Monday, April 27, 2015

Ravioli for carnivores and herbivores

One of the people who was expected to be at a potluck we attended last night is a vegetarian.  So, I put my mind to coming up with a tasty vegetarian filling.  But, he didn't show.  I'll razz him about this since I spent twice as much time cooking and assembling ravioli as I would have if he weren't expected.  Luckily, we all enjoyed the vegetarian ravioli, and the meat ones.  One of the people at the potluck, although not a vegetarian, enjoyed the vegetarian version more than the meat version.

One disclaimer I need to put out here - measurements are approximate.  I rarely measure ingredients when I cook.  I "eyeball" what goes into the pot.  I also usually write things down after we've eaten the food.  There's a possibility I've missed something, especially in the "herbivore" version.  A lot went into it and last night I had forgotten to include the all-important Italian seasoning that went into the vegetarian version, same as the meat version.

We enjoyed them so much, and with the KitchenAide mixer (with its attachments) makes the pasta so much easier, I think Mother's Day (less than a week away) will bring one of those cool little tools for making ravioli so I don't need to hand seal each one with a fork.  Just lay out a sheet of pastas, put filling in the depressions, lay on the second sheet of pasta and run the rolling pin across to seal and cut them a dozen at a time.

The recipe is pretty long - 2 pages - because it includes both versions, and a little bit of history ... the link should go to the pdf file.  Please let me know if you have problems - I'm new at doing things this way.

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